Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Reading Logs

We are currently working on our third reading log goal for the year. Student should have 20 books in their log by December 21st. Please help your child to achieve this success by reading one book each day and recording the title and response in the reading log.

Gingerbread Houses

A gingerbread man needs a home!

On Friday December 18 at 1:45 family members can join us in the cafeteria for the construction of our Gingerbread houses. Each child will be able to construct their own gingerbread house complete with walls, a roof and lots and lots of decorations! Please contact Mrs. Welliver if you have any questions or would like to attend.

Donations are needed of graham crackers and white icing (inexpensive type is great) are still needed.

Run Run as Fast as you Can!

You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!

We are having so much fun with the gingerbread man in room 111. We are getting ready to bake our own gingerbread men cookies on December 14th. We will try not to peek while they bake in our oven!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Field Trip Fun!

We went on our awesome field trip to Three Springs Farm in Morris, PA. It was a wonderful day! Although it sure did not feel like the "warm" day they were calling for, we had a blast visiting the farm. We went into a corn maze. Somehow, we never made it all the way around. We came out the entrance??? We watched an old fashioned apple cider press squeeze the juice out of the apples while Mr. Shannon turned the crank. We went for a wagon ride with Jake and Amos, two very big horses. We listened to Miss Val who taught us a little about taking care of horses. Miss Brianna let us give Jake and Amos commands to make them trot and stop while they took us on a horse drawn wagon ride. Mr. Clint took us on a tractor ride to the pumpkin patch to pick our very own pumpkin. Miss Lena helped us make an apple magnet craft. All of this, time for some lunch and a bus ride back to Jackson. Mrs. Welliver was very proud of how well the boys and girls behaved during the field trip. As Jayce said on the bus on the way home "this was the best day ever"! Mrs. Welliver agrees!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Many made their reading log goal!

Congratulations to our kindergarten friends who made their reading log goal! Most of room 111 will be having an extra recess for reading our first 20 books. Now it is time to get started on the next goal!

Just remember, students only need to read 4 books a week to make the goal! Reading logs are checked every thursday. Good luck and keep reading!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We are learning about fire safety!

Today we visited the fire safety trailer. We learned that we need to "stay low and go" if there is smoke in the room. We saw a short video while we were in the trailer then we went in another room where we had to escape by crawling out a window with the help of a friendly fireman.